Betty killed my social life


Betty Curve 25/01/2013

Posted: January 29th 2013

Betty's curve on 25/01/2013 shows good control on 1/2IU twice a day. Ruth has told me to take her off the insulin and spot check her glucose each day until I do another curve before Dose 3 on Friday. If it goes above 9, then she may be back on insulin. Last night it was 8.9. Sharp intake of breath...


I am testing each night at around 11pm, as 4-5 hours after food tends to be her highest reading. I'll do the next one in half an hour. The next curve will be challenge. I would probably be voted worst employee ever if a vote were based on favours requested and personal traumas to deal with! Vets, grief, hospitals, blocked drains, unexpected visitors. I just cannot cope with asking to work from home another day to jab my furkids ear. So I am doing it through the night on Thursday. Every 2 hours from 7pm to 7am! And then driving to the RVC bleary eyed for Dose 3 Friday morning.

I love you Betty Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Edit: 11pm - 5.5)