Betty killed my social life


My Darling Acrocat

Posted: August 20th 2012

The IGF-1 test indicates that Betty has acromegaly. Devastating news delivered by a vet (Alan) expressing little hope for my girl. He said that the only treatment was radiation therapy and that it had complications and a low success rate. He said he would not put his cat through it. He also said that the only other acrocat that he had treated had to be put to sleep after a few months because the condition made diabetes impossible to control. That is a fact. The excess growth hormone produced by the acromegaly prevents insulin from working. It is likely caused by a cancer of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.

I didn't sleep all night. I just cried more tears than I have dared for a long long time. This is why I don't cry:


Attractive, not. But this is why I will never give up:


So I researched every day until I found hope.

The Royal Veterinary College are currently undertaking trial treatments for acromegalic cats. This means that Betty can have a full day of screening and tests to fully determine the effects of her condition and assess the possible treatments. Her brain will be scanned and her organs will be checked with ultrasound. The RVC is running drug and surgery trials for acromegaly and it is all free of charge.

If Betty is not fit for the trials, or if I decide it would not be right to go ahead, I will at least have a clear picture of how to keep her quality of life acceptable. She is of course only on loan to me. I've said it before, I believe these beautiful creatures are angels. She came to look after my heart and I have to give her back one day. I'm not ready yet though and I don't think she is. When the time comes, my dad will cuddle her until I join them.

So her appointment is 16th November and I have to keep her as fit as possible until then. The next big challenge is to get her diabetes back under control.

I'm at our vets tomorrow. I'll be producing my boxing gloves.